When we returned home from Gammo and Grampy's house, the kiddos found a surprise waiting for them...
Isla: "The elves were here. I knew they'd come."
Gannon: "Jesse, what's under your butt?"
The "elves" always leave the kiddos a little something the night before to let them know Santa is on his way. As if Isla hasn't had enough warnings (aka disciplinary action) over the past few weeks.
"See, Santa, we really are good and sweet and loving and very present-deserving children."
We laid out Santa's spread, complete with the star cookies Isla baked this morning, carrots for the reindeer, milk, a few honey wheat pretzel twists (carbo-loading), and two holiday ales. Santa always seems to need more than one beer when he stops here. But since all of the present construction is finished early, I wonder if he'll need it?
Gannon's never been one to shy away from a plate of food, and as you'll see below, Santa's snack plate is no different.
"Mmm, honey deliciousness..."
"Mom, he's eating more!"
"What the *&%# is that?"
"Let me try that again."
Isla is trying so hard not take one of the cookies off of the plate. Gannon is sticking with the honey pretzels.
And now she's bored, playing with her twizzle (braid). Apparently Gannon and his belly are quite satisfied.
I: "Please can I have a cookie. I'm smiling so pretty for you, Mom."
G: "Santa can't possibly finish this plate by himself!"
We're ready for you, Santa!
"Ooh, just one more bite, I promise!"