Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Monkeys Stand for Honesty

For those of you not really familiar with Simon and Garfunkel, that's a line from their song At the Zoo. Isla, Tiffany and I went to the zoo over the weekend with Nick, Jaime and Kameron. Here are some of the pictures:

Kameron was looking a little sleepy as we entered the zoo...but that would change

Isla was ready to go into the zoo with her sunglasses on

Here's a gorilla munching on something out of a paper bag

And here's Nick wearing a monkey mask. Or is it a monkey wearing a Nick costume?

Nick, Kameron and Jaime in the goat area

Kameron having a good time petting a goat

Here's the pony that Isla and Tiffany wanted to bring home

Here are the girls and little buddy

A combined family photo

Here's a happy baby in the midst of a meal this past week.

Here are a few pictures from a month ago when Michael and Jenna were here. I must have slacked off blogging that week. Sorry guys-

Isla pimped out...and exhausted

Jenna and Michael in front of the Bean before he went after these two kids for ruining his picture

Even funnier - the three of us in front of the Bean, only to have this guy sprint right in front of us. I tackled him after this shot.

Michael, Jenna and Isla back at home

Isla and Michael humoring each other

1 comment:

  1. Michael looks like he'll be a good daddy!
