Monday, December 31, 2012

The Fat Man Delivers

Here they come, ready to see how "nice" Santa thought they were this year.

Let's see if Santa liked the star cookies...
Looks as though he had plenty of time to enjoy the snacks and beer.
Gannnon: "Aha! Missed a bite, Sant!"

"I can't believe he didn't save me a swig of beer!"

Time to get down to business. Let the present opening begin!

Ahoy, me very own chest of treasures! I wonder where this map will lead...

Isla, I can build the pirate ship with my new workbench!

Hungry, hungry hippos!! It only took me about a month to figure out why Isla kept doing this with her fingers and teeth and then why Gannon learned to imitate her. She's so happy we finally own this game!

Gannon Kapellas, Architect.

9 pretty princesses.

"Mom, do you believe I got the 7-pack? And a bonus Jasmine? And Flynn Rider?

Best Christmas ever!

Christmas wishes do come true...all I wanted was a white one!

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